A mounted Plains warrior carried a shield in addition to an array of his preferred weapons. This shield is constructed of wet buffalo rawhide stretched over a willow hoop and coaxed into a convex shape. A secret design is painted directly on the rawhide face and hidden by a permanently attached buckskin cover.
The cover is painted with mineral pigments and depicts a serpent with a lightning bolt body. Suspended accoutrements represent the warrior’s spiritual war medicine. They portray essential attributes such as strength, swiftness, and bravery. In the center are two horse hair tassels hung with two deer toes. The left grouping contains human hair danglers paired with a rifle cartridge and brass bells. Various feathers comprise the assemblage on the right.
The back of the shield demonstrates the necessary attachments of a true war shield (as opposed to a dance shield). A substantial arm loop is padded with elk fur. The hand grip is rawhide wrapped with leather. A short loop at the apex enables proud display on a lodge pole. A long shoulder sling lets the warrior “wear” the shield comfortably while on patrol or after leaving a raid. And finally, a bit of protective medicine in the form of a rawhide turtle effigy hangs from the grip.
Diameter 19” Was $5,000 Not available SOLD